
I've Decided to Serve You and No Turning Back

Whoever Sows Sparingly Will Reap Sparingly  I was saved by God's amazing grace in Melbourne in 2014. I can’t thank God enough for the joy, faith, life and growth He has lavished on me since I was saved six years ago. He freely gives me hope and strength every day.  I believe every Christian is a missionary according to the great commission. My full time job is a contracts manager/ consultant in the construction/ infrastructure and  mining industry. When  I go to work during the week, I serve and honour God with my talents to to produce minerals and metal that are fundamental to our world and  benefit the society by providing jobs and security for many others. My non-believer coworkers also need a witness of Christ at workplace.  In my spare time,  I have been teaching  English to migrants and international students at a local  church on Saturdays as a volunteer since 2016. There is a discovering Christianity short English Bible study after English class.  We have about 50-60 stu
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